How to Make a Bot Kick a Person When a Channel Gets Deleted: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Latoria -

How to Make a Bot Kick a Person When a Channel Gets Deleted: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with unwanted members in your Discord server? Do you want to automate the process of removing people who create unnecessary channels? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to create a bot that kicks a person when a channel gets deleted. It’s a clever way to maintain order and keep your server organized.

What You’ll Need

To follow along with this tutorial, you’ll need the following:

  • A Discord server with the necessary permissions to create and manage channels and members
  • A bot created through the Discord Developer Portal
  • A programming language of your choice (we’ll be using JavaScript in this example)
  • A code editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Understanding the Discord API

Before we dive into the code, it’s essential to understand the basics of the Discord API. The API allows developers to interact with the Discord platform programmatically. We’ll be using the Discord.js library, which is a JavaScript wrapper for the Discord API.

In this scenario, we’ll be using the following events and methods:

  • channelDelete: An event that triggers when a channel is deleted
  • guild.members.cache.get(): A method to retrieve a guild member by their ID
  • guild.members.cache.get().kick(): A method to kick a guild member

Setting Up Your Bot

If you haven’t already, create a new bot on the Discord Developer Portal and invite it to your server. Make sure to enable the necessary permissions, including:

  • Manage Channels
  • Kick Members

Next, create a new file for your bot’s code and require the Discord.js library:

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();

The Magic Happens

Now, let’s create an event listener for the channelDelete event. This will trigger whenever a channel is deleted:

client.on('channelDelete', async (channel) => {
  // Get the guild and channel ID
  const guildId =;
  const channelId =;

  // Check if the channel was created by a user (ignoring bot-created channels)
  if (channel.type === 'text' || channel.type === 'voice') {
    // Get the member who created the channel
    const memberId = channel.guild.channels.cache.get(channelId).createdBy;

    // Get the guild member object
    const member = channel.guild.members.cache.get(memberId);

    // Check if the member exists and is not a bot
    if (member && ! {
      // Kick the member
      member.kick('Deleted a channel without permission!');
      console.log(`Kicked ${member.user.username} for deleting a channel`);

How the Code Works

Let’s break down the code:

  1. We create an event listener for the channelDelete event, which triggers when a channel is deleted.
  2. We get the guild and channel ID from the channelDelete event.
  3. We check if the channel was created by a user (ignoring bot-created channels) using the type property.
  4. We get the member ID of the user who created the channel using the createdBy property.
  5. We retrieve the guild member object using the guild.members.cache.get() method.
  6. We check if the member exists and is not a bot using the property.
  7. We kick the member using the kick() method with a reason.

Adding Error Handling

It’s essential to add error handling to your code to prevent issues. Let’s add a try-catch block to handle any errors that might occur:

client.on('channelDelete', async (channel) => {
  try {
    // Previous code here
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Error kicking member: ${error}`);

Starting Your Bot

Finally, add the following code to start your bot:


Replace YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE with your bot’s token from the Discord Developer Portal.


That’s it! Your bot should now kick a person when a channel gets deleted. Remember to adjust the code to fit your specific needs and server rules. This is just a starting point, and you can customize the behavior of your bot as needed.

Event Description
channelDelete Triggers when a channel is deleted
guild.members.cache.get() Retrieves a guild member by their ID
guild.members.cache.get().kick() Kicks a guild member

By following this guide, you’ve taken the first step in automating your Discord server management. Remember to always follow Discord’s Terms of Service and guidelines when creating bots.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to kick some digital butt! 🤖

How do I detect when a channel is deleted?

You can use the `on_channel_delete` event in your bot’s code to detect when a channel is deleted. This event is triggered whenever a channel is deleted, and it passes the deleted channel object as an argument. You can then use this event to kick the person responsible for the deletion!

How do I get the user ID of the person who deleted the channel?

You can use the `channel_audit_log` endpoint to get the user ID of the person who deleted the channel. This endpoint returns a list of audit log entries for the channel, including the user ID of the person who performed the deletion. You can then use this user ID to kick the person!

How do I kick the person who deleted the channel?

You can use the `kick` method of the `Member` object to kick the person who deleted the channel. You’ll need to get the `Member` object for the person you want to kick using the `guild.get_member()` method, and then call the `kick()` method on that object. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to kick members! 👊

What if the person who deleted the channel has a higher role than my bot?

If the person who deleted the channel has a higher role than your bot, you won’t be able to kick them. In this case, you can try to notify an admin or moderator about the deletion, or implement additional measures to prevent channel deletions in the future. You can also consider using a bot with higher permissions or role hierarchies to manage channel deletions. 🤝

Are there any security considerations I should keep in mind?

Yes, there are several security considerations you should keep in mind when implementing a bot that kicks people who delete channels. For example, you should ensure that your bot is properly configured and doesn’t have unnecessary permissions. You should also implement rate limiting and other measures to prevent abuse. Finally, make sure to test your bot thoroughly to ensure it’s working as intended! 🔒