Invisible Text When Resuming from Backstack: The Ultimate Guide to Solving the Mystery
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Invisible Text When Resuming from Backstack: The Ultimate Guide to Solving the Mystery

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If you’re an Android developer, chances are you’ve encountered the frustrating issue of invisible text when resuming from backstack. You’ve written perfect code, tested it, and suddenly, BAM! Your text disappears into thin air when the user navigates back to your app. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and provide you with proven solutions to get your text visible again.

What Causes Invisible Text When Resuming from Backstack?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand what causes this issue. There are a few possible reasons why your text might disappear:

  • View.setVisibility(View.GONE) or View.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE) calls on the parent view or its ancestors.

  • Incorrect use of android:freezesText="true" in the layout XML.

  • UI thread manipulation during the onRestoreInstanceState() method.

  • Overriding onSaveInstanceState() without calling the superclass method.

Reason 1: View.setVisibility(View.GONE) or View.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE)

This is one of the most common culprits behind invisible text. When you set a view or its ancestor to View.GONE or View.INVISIBLE, the text will not be visible even when you restore the state. To fix this, ensure you’re not calling these methods on the parent view or its ancestors.

// Incorrect code

// Correct code

Reason 2: Incorrect use of android:freezesText="true"

The android:freezesText="true" attribute is used to preserve the text selection when the user navigates away from the app. However, when used incorrectly, it can cause the text to disappear. To fix this, ensure you’re not using this attribute on the parent view or its ancestors. Instead, use it on the specific view that requires text preservation.

// Incorrect code

// Correct code

Reason 3: UI thread manipulation during onRestoreInstanceState()

Any UI thread manipulation during the onRestoreInstanceState() method can cause the text to disappear. To fix this, ensure you’re not performing any UI-related operations during this method.

// Incorrect code
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    myTextView.setText("New text"); // UI thread manipulation

// Correct code
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // No UI thread manipulation

Reason 4: Overriding onSaveInstanceState() without calling the superclass method

When overriding the onSaveInstanceState() method, ensure you’re calling the superclass method to preserve the instance state. Failure to do so can cause the text to disappear.

// Incorrect code
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    // Not calling the superclass method

// Correct code
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    // Custom state saving logic

Solutions to Invisible Text When Resuming from Backstack

Now that we’ve covered the reasons behind invisible text, let’s dive into the solutions:

  1. Verifying View Visibility

    Ensure that the parent view and its ancestors are visible by calling View.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE).

  2. Removing android:freezesText="true"

    Remove the android:freezesText="true" attribute from the parent view or its ancestors.

  3. Avoiding UI Thread Manipulation

    Avoid performing any UI-related operations during the onRestoreInstanceState() method.

  4. Calling the Superclass Method in onSaveInstanceState()

    Ensure you’re calling the superclass method when overriding onSaveInstanceState() to preserve the instance state.

  5. Using to Update UI

    Use to update the UI thread instead of performing UI-related operations directly.

  6. Checking for Null or Empty Text

    Check if the text is null or empty before setting it on the TextView.

Solution Code Snippet
Verifying View Visibility myParentView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
Removing android:freezesText="true" <TextView ... />
Avoiding UI Thread Manipulation // No UI thread manipulation
Calling the Superclass Method in onSaveInstanceState() super.onSaveInstanceState(outState);
Using to Update UI Runnable() { ... });
Checking for Null or Empty Text if (myText != null && !myText.isEmpty()) { ... }


Invisible text when resuming from backstack can be a frustrating issue, but with this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle it head-on. Remember to verify view visibility, remove android:freezesText="true", avoid UI thread manipulation, call the superclass method in onSaveInstanceState(), use to update UI, and check for null or empty text. By following these solutions, you’ll ensure your text remains visible even when the user navigates back to your app.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

The mysterious case of invisible text when resuming from backstack – we’ve got the answers!

Why does my text become invisible when I resume from backstack?

This phenomenon occurs when the UI thread is busy processing other tasks, causing the text to become invisible temporarily. This issue is often related to UI thread blocking or synchronization issues.

How can I troubleshoot this issue?

To troubleshoot, try debugging your app using the Android Debugger, check for any ANRs (Application Not Responding) errors, and review your app’s UI thread performance. You can also try using the Android profiler to inspect the UI thread.

Is there a way to prevent this issue from happening?

Yes, you can prevent this issue by ensuring that your app’s UI thread is not blocked by long-running tasks. Use AsyncTask or threads to handle tasks that take a long time to complete, and avoid performing heavy operations on the UI thread.

What if I’m using a ListView or RecyclerView?

When using a ListView or RecyclerView, make sure to implement efficient data loading and caching mechanisms to reduce the load on the UI thread. You can also try using a ViewHolder pattern to improve performance.

Are there any Android libraries that can help me with this issue?

Yes, libraries like RxAndroid, AsyncTaskCompat, and Picasso can help you manage tasks and load data efficiently, reducing the likelihood of invisible text when resuming from backstack.

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